PPP 163 - Monoclonal Antibodies with Prof Sanjay Swaminathan

PPP 163 - Monoclonal Antibodies with Prof Sanjay Swaminathan

Kristin is joined by Professor Sanjay Swaminathan to talk all things MABs or monoclonal antibodies.

Dr Sanjay Swaminathan is a Clinical Immunologist and Allergist, he is a Senior Staff Specialist and Head of the Department of Immunology and Allergy at Westmead and Blacktown Hospitals.

PPP 164 - Gout with Dr David Liew

PPP 164 - Gout with Dr David Liew

PPP 162 - Impetigo (School Sores) With Prof Asha Bowen

PPP 162 - Impetigo (School Sores) With Prof Asha Bowen