PPP094: Sociology and Antimicrobial Resistance with Prof Alex Broom

PPP094: Sociology and Antimicrobial Resistance with Prof Alex Broom

Kristin and Jane spoke to Professor Alex Broom from the University of Sydney. Alex is Professor of Sociology at the Department of Sociology and Social Policy. His work focuses on the social dynamics of cancer, palliative and end-of-life care and antimicrobial resistance across contexts and cultures.

We asked Alex:

  • What is sociology, and how does it apply to studies of healthcare and illness?

  • How are principles of sociology particularly relevant to addressing rising antimicrobial resistance?

  • What effect does organisational culture have on the use of antimicrobials?

  • How can sociology principles be used as a stewardship tool?

You can read more about Alex’s work on his University of Sydney Researcher Page.

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