PPP059 - Interventions to Improve Analgesic Prescribing with Dr Jenny Stephens

PPP059 - Interventions to Improve Analgesic Prescribing with Dr Jenny Stephens

Jane chats with Dr Jenny Stephens, pain specialist and anaesthetist at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney.

Jane and Jenny discuss:

  • The significance of Australia’s problem with prescription opioids

  • How the risks of post-operative opioids may start before admission

  • The problems, beyond dependance, caused by long term opioid use

  • Risk factors for opioid dependance post-discharge

  • How Australia compares to the rest of the world with regard to problems with prescription opioids

  • The impact of a pharmacy-led intervention at St Vincent’s Sydney

  • Empowering junior doctors to stand up for good opioid prescribing

  • Simple interventions pharmacists can make to help

  • Empowering patients and managing their expectations around analgesia

Also - check out SHPA’s media release from the recent Medicines Leadership Forum focussed on reducing harms from opioid use and an article from the Sydney Morning Herald discussing Dr Stevens’ work.

PPP060 - Update on Multiple Sclerosis with Associate Professor Ernie Buler

PPP060 - Update on Multiple Sclerosis with Associate Professor Ernie Buler

PPP058 - Pharmacists and Indigenous Community Health with Chris Braithwaite

PPP058 - Pharmacists and Indigenous Community Health with Chris Braithwaite