PPP045 - Why Tramadol sucks (and also Codeine) with Dr Dave Juurlink

PPP045 - Why Tramadol sucks (and also Codeine) with Dr Dave Juurlink


Dan is joined by eminent physician, pharmacologist and former pharmacist Prof  Dave Juurlink from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto.

We talk about:

  • Why Tramadol is a bad choice of analgesia
  • Why Codeine upscheduling is a good idea for Canada and Australia
  • How scheduling impacts medication choice
  • How a 100-word "paper" in NEJM contributed to the opioid epidemic


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PPP046 - What makes a competent pharmacist? With Bronwyn Clark and Catriona Bradley

PPP044 - Women in Pharmacy Leadership: Are We There Yet?

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