PPP061 - Ceftriaxone Myths and Realities with Professor Jason Roberts

PPP061 - Ceftriaxone Myths and Realities with Professor Jason Roberts

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Back by popular demand, Prof Jason Roberts joins Dan to discuss ceftriaxone. Jason is NHMRC Practitioner Fellow at The University of Queensland and Consultant Clinical Pharmacist at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. Jason is a senior member of the Burns Trauma and Critical Care Research Centre within the University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research and is Director of the Centre for Translational Anti-infective Pharmacodynamics in School of Pharmacy where he is also Chair of the research Strategies Committee. 

Dan and Jason discuss situations where ceftriaxone is useful (spoiler: it's not "being an inpatient") and some pharmacokinetic quirks.

Roberts et al. - Is continuous infusion ceftriaxone better than once-a-day dosing in intensive care?

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