PPP030 - Choosing PPIs Wisely with with Dr Chris Leung

PPP030 - Choosing PPIs Wisely with with Dr Chris Leung

Jane sat down with Dr Chris Leung from Austin Health. Chris is a gastroenterologist, medical lead for clinical education and local clinical lead for Choosing Wisely.

Jane and Chris talk about:

Chris Leung.jpg
  • the reasons why proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are in the top 10 most commonly prescribed medicines in Australia
  • the problems associated with long-term PPIs
  • the general principles of the Choosing Wisely campaign in Australia

Further reading

PPP031 - Residencies, Foundation Training and more - with Beth Ward and Ian Coombes

PPP031 - Residencies, Foundation Training and more - with Beth Ward and Ian Coombes

PPP029 - WIPE: What Is Polypharmacy Exactly?

PPP029 - WIPE: What Is Polypharmacy Exactly?