PPP026 - Controversies about codeine with Dr Jacinta Johnson

PPP026 - Controversies about codeine with Dr Jacinta Johnson

Jane and Dan chat to Dr Jacinta Johnson, Specialist Pharmacist, Clinical Educator and Lecturer in Pharmacy at the University of South Australia.

We talk to Jacinta about:

  • The risks from codeine and the reasons behind the decision to reschedule it to a prescription-only medicine. 
  • Whether or not there is a role for codeine as an analgesic.
  • Alternative non-prescription analgesic options

Further reading:

You can read more about Jacinta's work on her University of South Australia Researcher Page or follow her on Twitter

ScriptWise: Let's Get Candid About Codeine community and pharmacist toolkits

Abdel Shaheed C, Maher CG, McLachlan A. Investigating the efficacy and safety of over-the-counter codeine containing combination analgesics for pain and codeine based antitussives. [report commissioned by the Therapeutic Goods Administration]

Moore RA, Wiffen PJ, Derry S, Maguire T, Roy YM, Tyrrell L. Non-prescription (OTC) oral analgesics for acute pain - an overview of Cochrane reviews. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD010794

ABC Lateline 13/7/17 Victoria introduces prescription drug monitoring as rates of painkiller addiction rise

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